Education may be key to a healthier, wealthier US

According to the United States Department of Education, the U.S. high school graduation rate will reach an all-time high this year, which is good news for both our economy and health. Policy makers often use education policy ...

More Michigan students taking, passing advanced math

Michigan high school students are going above and beyond the required math curriculum, likely an effect of the state's graduation requirements, finds new research from Michigan State University.

Why it's wrong to label students 'at-risk'

Of all the terms used to describe students who don't perform well in traditional educational settings, few are used as frequently– or as casually – as the term "at-risk."

Family matters for future wealth

Australians pride themselves on having a classless society, where wealth is determined not by how rich your parents are but by your own efforts. However new research, for the first time using actual income numbers from two ...

Immigrant youth help to build nations

Immigrants and refugees, especially those from developing nations, are often portrayed by segments of the media and policy makers as an economic burden, a threat to our social cohesion and "our way of life."

Education a top priority

Almost 80 percent of respondents support more or even much more spending on education, whereas only 20 percent would support more spending on defense policy. In a number of countries, a majority of respondents is even willing ...

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