What Canadian wildfires signify for climate, public health

Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in eastern Canada shrouded the Northeast and Midwest in a dense ochre haze this month, and more smoke could return to both regions of the United States this week as the conflagrations continue.

Caribbean coral reefs under siege from aggressive algae

Human activity endangers coral health around the world. A new algal threat is taking advantage of coral's already precarious situation in the Caribbean and making it even harder for reef ecosystems to grow.

Australia pushes for ocean 'fertilisation' ban

Australia said it was pushing for a ban Thursday of any commercial use of a pioneering technique to reduce the impacts of climate change by "fertilising" the world's oceans with iron, warning of significant risks.

Poor image of bats undermines conservation efforts, says study

You might think that bats are scary. But do you know what would be even scarier? To live in a world without them. Bats are key providers of ecosystem services, and their disappearance would translate into enormous economic ...

Urban biodiversity to lower chronic disease

Replanting urban environments with native flora could be a cost effective way to improve public health because it will help 'rewild' the environmental and human microbiota, University of Adelaide researchers say.

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