Economic security requires new measures of well-being

Economic well-being for low-income families in the U.S. is often determined by federal measures that establish basic requirements for essentials such as food, shelter and clothing, but a new study by a University at Buffalo ...

Is this the year you join the one percent?

Here's some good news for the New Year: According to new research by Washington University in St. Louis and Cornell University, there's a 1 in 9 chance that a typical American will hit the jackpot and join the wealthiest ...

World has entered new CO2 'danger zone', UN says

The world has entered a "new danger zone" with levels of Earth-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere never experienced by humankind, the UN's climate chief warned Monday.

Preferences, incentives matter for capital tax levels, study finds

(—Against the backdrop of a nation obsessed with the debate on taxes, Cornell assistant professor of economics Maxim Troshkin and colleagues have completed a study that could help determine the ideal capital tax ...

Opinion: A green transition will not be good for everyone

If you have been following the climate debate at all, you are bound to have heard the following arguments: "Everyone agrees that climate change is an urgent problem. We need to act now, or it will be too late. There really ...

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