Effects of welfare reform are mixed for the poor

(PhysOrg.com) -- The economic status of children of single mothers who have gone off welfare and found jobs has improved slightly, but many poor families are worse off since the 1996 welfare reform, reports a study.

The fragility of the welfare state

The social contract that supports the welfare state, where income is redistributed, is fragile. That is one of the main conclusions of an experimental study done at Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), which analyzes ...

Economic security requires new measures of well-being

Economic well-being for low-income families in the U.S. is often determined by federal measures that establish basic requirements for essentials such as food, shelter and clothing, but a new study by a University at Buffalo ...

World has entered new CO2 'danger zone', UN says

The world has entered a "new danger zone" with levels of Earth-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere never experienced by humankind, the UN's climate chief warned Monday.

Climate costs lowest if warming is limited to 2 degrees Celsius

Using computer simulations of a model by U.S. Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus, researchers have weighted climate damage from increasing weather extremes, decreasing labor productivity and other factors against the costs ...

Passing on the right antibodies: Protecting piglets from diarrhea

The parasite Cystoisospora suis affects suckling pigs causing severe intestinal problems, such as diarrhoea. Scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Vetmeduni) have now shown that antibodies against Cystoisospora ...

Is this the year you join the one percent?

Here's some good news for the New Year: According to new research by Washington University in St. Louis and Cornell University, there's a 1 in 9 chance that a typical American will hit the jackpot and join the wealthiest ...

Opinion: A green transition will not be good for everyone

If you have been following the climate debate at all, you are bound to have heard the following arguments: "Everyone agrees that climate change is an urgent problem. We need to act now, or it will be too late. There really ...

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