Understanding who commits which crimes

Why do some young men turn to crime, while others don't? An international study shows that preferences such as risk tolerance, impatience and altruism as well as self-control can predict who will commit crime. Risk-tolerant, ...

Global study confirms influential theory behind loss aversion

A new global study offers a powerful confirmation of one of the most influential frameworks in all of the behavioral sciences and behavioral economics: prospect theory, which when introduced in 1979, led to a sea change in ...

Alpha leaders tend to be front-runner candidates

The tenets of Social Darwinism may have lost favor long ago, but the rise of political populism in the 21st Century continues to support the maxim that "the strong survive", and are most adept at leading during challenging ...

How artificial intelligence is changing economic theory

A century of economic theory assumed that, given their available options, humans would always make rational decisions. Economists even had a name for this construct: homo economicus, the economic man.

What's fair?: New theory on income inequality

The increasing inequality in income and wealth in recent years, together with excessive pay packages of CEOs in the U.S. and abroad, is of growing concern, especially to policy makers. Income inequality was identified as ...

Averting worse economic collapses

A new study shows how specific parameters can help us steer clear of tipping points in dynamic systems, such as entire economies.

The economics of database searching

(PhysOrg.com) -- Searching the internet might seem simple, but applying a little bit of economic theory to information retrieval can shed some light on the best search strategies to adopt, according to researchers.

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