New toxin facilitates disease infection and spread in wheat

Although wheat was among the first domesticated food crops, it remains a global dietary staple several millennia later. Grown on every continent except Antarctica, wheat is the second highest produced grain worldwide, with ...

How to make your next holiday better for the environment

Being an environmentally friendly tourist can be challenging. Tourism is an industry that brings many negative environmental impacts—our pleasure often comes at the expense of local habitats or wildlife.

Deadly invader devastating Venezuelan coral reefs

An ominous shadow in the turquoise Caribbean waters off Venezuela comes from a deadly intruder—a soft coral that experts say has caused one of the most destructive habitat invasions on record anywhere.

Political division prolongs the immigration crisis, report says

The U.S. immigration system is slow and stymied by politics, but the border crisis represents an opportunity to address gaps in the American labor market, according to a new report from Rice University's Baker Institute for ...

What makes people care about the environment?

A new study analyzes the factors that drive environmental concern among Europeans in an effort to understand how we can bolster popular support for combatting climate change.

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