Recession did not cut back pollution: US agency

The worst global recession in 80 years did little to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and China made a major polluting leap, US figures showed on Monday.

Obama cites 'Sputnik' moment, calls for investment

President Barack Obama urged Monday a refocus on scientific research and teaching, as was triggered by the launch of the Soviet's 1957 Sputnik satellite, saying it was key to future US prosperity,

Declining energy quality could be root cause of current recession

An overlooked cause of the economic recession in the U.S. is a decade long decline in the quality of the nation's energy supply, often measured as the amount of energy we get out for a given energy input, says energy expert ...

Globalized economy more sensitive to recessions: physicists

By applying the same rules that explain how genomes evolve, Rice University physicists have shown that the world economy is more sensitive to recessionary shocks and recovers more slowly from recessions now than it did 40 ...

Pentagon going green, because it has to: officials

The US military's heavy dependence on fossil fuels is a dangerous vulnerability, officials said Wednesday as they made a fresh push to develop renewable energy solutions for the battlefield.

Explained: Defining recessions

The recent recession, the longest since The Great Depression, lasted from December 2007 until June 2009, according to a Sept. 20 announcement from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the pre-eminent group calibrating ...

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