The precision of solar photovoltaic power measurements doubled

An analysis carried out by JRC scientists shows that the uncertainty in measurement of power generation from a photovoltaic (PV) cell can be more than halved, thus bringing an economic benefit to both manufacturers and investors. ...

Interactive tool lifts veil on the cost of nuclear energy

Despite the ever-changing landscape of energy economics, subject to the influence of new technologies and geopolitics, a new tool promises to root discussions about the cost of nuclear energy in hard evidence rather than ...

An energy calculator to choose our future

EPFL's Energy Center has developed an information platform on energy transition. In particular, it proposes a national energy calculator to develop scenarios for Switzerland's energy future.

Study examines effectiveness of regulation in electricity markets

A study in the latest issue of the American Economic Review used recent state regulatory changes in electricity markets as a laboratory to evaluate which factors can contribute to a regulation causing a bigger mess than the ...

CO2 emissions 'increased at slower rate in 2012'

The world's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions increased at a slower rate in 2012—1.1 percent compared to a 2.9 percent annual increase over the past decade, a report said Thursday.

Researcher says change the discourse on Asia

Murdoch University's Dr Craig Whitsed has joined with the University of Queensland's Dr Wendy Green in calling for legislators and educators to reconsider how Australia is engaging in the Asian Century.

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