Nature in the Netherlands deteriorating rapidly

Nature in the Netherlands is deteriorating rapidly. According to the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli), the biodiversity crisis is just as serious as the climate crisis. UT researcher Prof. Dr. Esther Turnhout ...

Tracking inequality in real time

UC Berkeley economists have launched a powerful new web tool that allows users to track, almost in real time, how economic growth and public policy affect the distribution of income and wealth among classes in the United ...

Reducing air pollution: Policies that pay off

Reducing fine particle mortality in a conurbation by two-thirds could be achieved at a cost that is much lower than the value of the societal and economic benefits obtained, according to a study by a multidisciplinary team ...

The fate of Latin American forests in a warming world

Latin American forests—one of the world's greatest assets in the fight against climate change—will likely continue to shrink in size and economic clout, but not necessarily in their ability to help fight global warming, ...

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