Too many school students are over-confident

Many recent, large-scale and international studies confirm that there are things outside of a child's natural intelligence that affect their academic performance.

Industrial clusters fuel economies, according to study

Experts have long theorized that having a cluster of firms within a given industry helps a region's economy grow. Now a study co-authored by an MIT professor shows empirically that clusters of almost all kinds help drive ...

Dating violence impedes victims' earnings

Dating violence in adolescence not only takes a physical and emotional toll on young women, it also leads to less education and lower earnings later in life, according to a first-of-its-kind study led by a Michigan State ...

How to manage motorway tolls through the Game Theory

A team led by José Manuel Zarzuelo, Professor of Applied Economics, has applied the co-operative Game Theory to calculating motorway toll charges. The results of the study have been published in the specialised journal European ...

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