China has less than decade to remake economy: US

China has less than a decade to overhaul its economy and safeguard long-term growth that goes beyond a boom based on cheap labor, a top US Treasury official warned Wednesday.

Individual CO2 emissions decline in old age

For the first time, demographer Emilio Zagheni of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock (MPIDR) has calculated a profile that illustrates the relationship between age and average per capita CO2 emissions. ...

Sea levels will continue to rise for 500 years: study

Rising sea levels in the coming centuries is perhaps one of the most catastrophic consequences of rising temperatures. Massive economic costs, social consequences and forced migrations could result from global warming. But ...

Dutch tech company ASML posts profit rise

Dutch company ASML, a key global supplier of computer chip-making systems, said Wednesday net profits had jumped 32 percent in the third quarter and maintained its outlook to achieve record sales by the end of 2011.

The inevitable rise of China - hype or reality?

A cover article in the latest edition of Foreign Affairs by the University of Sydney's Dr. Salvatore Babones outlines why predictions by economists that China will continue to experience rapid growth throughout the coming ...

Economic cost of weather may total $485 billion in US

Everything has its price, even the weather. New research indicates that routine weather events such as rain and cooler-than-average days can add up to an annual economic impact of as much as $485 billion in the United States.

Economist studies how higher gas price affect consumer behavior

A dollar is a dollar is a dollar, so goes the economic theory of fungibility. But do people really act that way? In a new working paper, Brown University economist Justine Hastings and Jesse Shapiro of Chicago Booth School ...

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