Projecting the impacts of climate change

How might climate change affect the acidification of the world's oceans or air quality in China and India in the coming decades, and what climate policies could be effective in minimizing such impacts? To answer such questions, ...

Leaks will not sink carbon capture and storage

The case for carbon capture and storage—a promising method for reducing greenhouse gases—received a boost recently from a Princeton University study that indicated the procedure would not be prone to significant leakage ...

Gulf shrimp prices reveal hidden economic impact of dead zones

Hypoxic dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico drive up the price of large shrimp relative to smaller sizes, causing economic ripples that can affect consumers, fishermen and seafood markets alike, a new Duke-led analysis reveals.

Researchers find climate change already playing major roles

A new study published today in the journal Science by researchers at UC Berkeley demonstrates that while the effects of future climate change will be significant, the social and economic impacts of our current climate today ...

Emissions from melting permafrost could cost $43 trillion

Increased greenhouse gas emissions from the release of carbon dioxide and methane contained in the Arctic permafrost could result in $43 trillion in additional economic damage by the end of the next century, according to ...

Size matters for fish in a changing climate

A changing climate could have a drastic impact on fish populations in the tropics, but according to new research it's likely to boost stocks in some cooler waters.

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