Economic recession leads to increased entrepreneurship, study finds

( -- The recent economic recession has caused many changes in the business landscape across the country, including high unemployment rates. Due to these high rates and the struggling economy, University of Missouri ...

New study finds fastest-growing cities not the most prosperous

As communities seek new ways to emerge from the recession, many may look to growing their population as a strategy. However, the belief that population growth will bring jobs and economic prosperity for local residents is ...

China produces as much CO2 per person as Europe: report

China's carbon dioxide (CO2) levels soared in 2011, putting its per capita emissions on a par for the first time with those of Europe, while global levels of the greenhouse gas hit another all-time high, a report released ...

Wealthier, but not necessarily healthier

One of the most famous and influential mantras of Barack Obama’s chief economic adviser - that wealthier nations are also healthier - has been called into question by a new study.

Microfinance tied to economy, study finds

A nation's economy plays a surprisingly large role in the success or failure of microfinance - the practice of making small loans to farmers or business owners too poor to provide collateral, according to a study led by a ...

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