Brazil to deploy army to fight Amazon deforestation

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro authorized the army Thursday to fight Amazon wildfires and deforestation, amid warnings the world's biggest rainforest is disappearing even faster than during record devastation last year.

Media sector seeks new powers to challenge Big Tech

Big Tech firms are clobbering traditional news organizations, media representatives told lawmakers Tuesday, asking for new authority to allow the struggling sector to team up against online platforms.

The conspicuous absence of women in India's labour force

India's rapid economic growth has been accompanied by falling fertility rates and higher educational attainment among women. These advances often lead to an increase in women entering the labour force, but there has been ...

Online dating might save the world

If you're an old fart like me, you'll remember the days when the internet had magical powers—when it had the potential to save humanity and solve all the world's problems.

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