Researchers study costs of 'dirty bomb' attack in L.A.

A dirty bomb attack centered on downtown Los Angeles' financial district could severely impact the region's economy to the tune of nearly $16 billion, fueled primarily by psychological effects that could persist for a decade.

Would you want to know about a terrorist threat at any cost?

As we approach the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks this weekend, many people may be thinking about the possibility of future terrorist strikes. If the government knew about a concrete threat, would you want it revealed ...

Inequality, 'silver spoon' effect found in ancient societies

The so-called "silver spoon" effect -- in which wealth is passed down from one generation to another -- is well established in some of the world's most ancient economies, according to an international study coordinated by ...

Policies for renewable energy boost economy and jobs

The study which was coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Inno-vation Research ISI shows that, by improving current policies the target of 20% RES in final energy consumption in 2020 can be achieved, which will ...

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