Related topics: recession

Strategic management theory offers fresh take on the economic crisis

The recent financial crisis and resulting global economic downturn has been the most defining global economic event since the Great Depression. Now research which appears in the November issue of Strategic Organization, published ...

Recession may be over, but recovery will be gradual

( -- With the severe national recession of the past two years finally behind us, the pace of economic recovery will be slow and unemployment will remain high for quite some time, say economists at the University ...

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions up by 29 percent since 2000

The strongest evidence yet that the rise in atmospheric CO2 emissions continues to outstrip the ability of the world's natural 'sinks' to absorb carbon is published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Dell smart phone to debut in China, Brazil

(AP) -- Dell Inc. is officially jumping into the "smart" phone market this month in a deal with China's biggest wireless carrier, China Mobile Ltd.

Gender-based pay gaps among US faculty

Before the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed into law by President Kennedy, women earned about fifty percent less than men. Nationally, women still earn an average of thirty percent less than men regardless of education, choice ...

Venture-capital investments down 33 pct in 3Q

(AP) -- Venture capitalists' investments in U.S. startups rose in the third quarter when compared with the first two quarters of the year, suggesting increased confidence in the economy. When compared with the year-ago period, ...

What does Wall Street's recovery mean to Main Street?

( -- The Dow Jones Industrial Average, among the world?s most closely watched stock indexes, closed above the 10,000-point mark last week for the first time since October 2008, a milestone that made news around ...

German solar panel makers in trouble: federation

German solar energy firms are in a bind, the head of a federation said in a report due out on Monday amid concern that the new German government will abandon the sector.

As phones get smarter, game makers ring the changes

Tetsuya Ide doesn't own an iPhone, but the teenage computer boffin is betting that Apple's hit gadget is the key to having a new generation of video game players in the palm of his hand.

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