Giant pudding was royal Christmas treat

Details of a ten-ton Christmas pudding, created to offset the blues of the Great Depression, have been rediscovered by University of Manchester historians.

Financial Crisis Reduces Economic Freedom in China and the West

( -- The current financial crisis may reduce economic freedom as governments are likely increase intervention in a bid to protect their own economies - according to a study in Pacific Focus published by Wiley-Blackwell. ...

Recession may be over, but recovery will be gradual

( -- With the severe national recession of the past two years finally behind us, the pace of economic recovery will be slow and unemployment will remain high for quite some time, say economists at the University ...

To reopen cities during pandemic, focus on neighborhoods

With unemployment rising to its highest rate since the Great Depression and labor participation plummeting, many local government leaders in the United States have taken steps to reopen their cities—worrying not only about ...

Economist on why emerging markets renege on loans

For emerging markets struggling to stay afloat, securing loans from foreign investors can be a lifesaver. But when neither creditors nor investors are sure of the economy's chance of success, the outcome can be unpredictable.

Q&A: Democracy means different things to different people

Texas A&M University Professor Dr. Kirby Goidel reflects on the "march of democracy" as America's 247th birthday nears. A professor of political science in the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Goidel studies ...

US incomes, poverty rate fall in 2011: official

US households saw incomes shrink for a second straight year in 2011 as the economy struggles to recover from the Great Recession, but the poverty rate also edged lower, official data showed Wednesday.

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