Recreational fishing causes Cape Cod salt marsh die-off

Recreational fishing is a major contributor to the rapid decline of important salt marshes along Cape Cod because it strips top predators such as striped bass, blue crabs, and smooth dogfish out of the ecosystem, according ...

Infineon sees lower 2012 sales as crisis bites

German semi-conductors giant Infineon said Wednesday it expected sales in its current business year to decline by around five percent as customers increasingly hold back in the current economic gloom.

Shopping around key to a smaller food bill

Shoppers face a complex and time-consuming task to get the best deal, depending on the store they buy food from and the item involved according to a new booklet "Public behavior in the UK in times of economic decline/rising ...

Watermelon's hidden killer

Watermelon vine decline (WVD) is a new and emerging disease that has created devastating economic losses for watermelon producers in Florida. Caused by the whitefly-transmitted squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV), the disease ...

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