Related topics: south korea

Standardized methodology measures cocoa household income

What data needs to be collected for the evidence-based design of strategies to ensure that cocoa farming households substantially progress towards or achieve a living income? Evidence-based strategies have to be designed ...

Swiss get behind net-zero climate law

The Swiss on Sunday backed a new climate bill aimed at steering their country of melting glaciers towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

Sharing best practice of gender-transformative tourism policies

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently released a report titled Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies which provides a synthesis of publicly-available strategies ...

Europe's fiery summer: a climate 'reality check'?

Wildfires and storms. Rivers at record lows. Parched crops withering in the fields. For many Europeans, this year's scorching summer means climate change is increasingly hard to ignore.

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