OECD says IT sector resisting economic crisis

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector has resisted the economic crisis and is becoming a key infrastructure for the world's economy, the OECD said Thursday.

Amnesty, Greenpeace urge prosecution in I.Coast dumping

Britain must launch a criminal probe into the multinational firm Trafigura and its role in the 2006 deadly dumping of toxic waste in Ivory Coast's economic capital Abidjan, Amnesty International and Greenpeace said Tuesday.

Morocco's illegal mussel pickers ply non-eco trade

Thousands of Morocco's unemployed slum-dwellers head to the Atlantic coast every morning to scrape a living as illegal mussel pickers. But experts say they threaten the health of the marine ecosystem.

California leads green tech funding, reduces greenhouse emissions

California has had remarkable success in developing and deploying clean technology, using it to help fuel the state's economic rebound and drive its effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions, even as its population continues ...

Canadian farmers trust regulated dairy industry

Canada's response to the "milk wars" in the United States in the 1970s was to establish a supply management system that both protects and restricts the income of its dairy farmers. A University of Illinois study examined ...

Research: Is fair value really fair?

As the United States continues its struggle to emerge from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, a practice known as fair-value accounting has been taking heat. Critics—mostly banking associations—say ...

Samsung Group to invest record $41.56 bln this year

South Korea's Samsung Group announced it would invest a record 47.8 trillion won ($41.56 billion) this year and hire an all-time high of 26,000 new employees despite global economic gloom.

Phone rivalry drives down RIM earnings

(AP) -- BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd.'s quarterly results on Thursday provided fresh evidence of the company's struggles to come up with a device to compete with the iPhone and smartphones running Google's Android ...

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