Why we should leave old oil rigs in the sea, and why we don't

Decommissioning the UK's offshore oil and gas infrastructure will cost the taxpayer £24 billion, according to estimates from HMRC. So why can't we leave man-made structures in the sea and thereby save the cost of removal ...

Better nitrogen management yields more than it costs

Better management on agricultural lands to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment costs only a fraction of what it provides. This could yield nearly $500 billion in societal benefits globally for both food supply and human ...

US urban trees store carbon, provide billions in economic value

From New York City's Central Park to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, America's urban forests store an estimated 708 million tons of carbon, an environmental service with an estimated value of $50 billion, according to ...

Cost effective manure management

Recycling manure is an important practice, especially for large livestock producers. Manure can be used as fertilizer to aid in crop production, aiding livestock producers that grow their own feed crops. While manure does ...

The precision of solar photovoltaic power measurements doubled

An analysis carried out by JRC scientists shows that the uncertainty in measurement of power generation from a photovoltaic (PV) cell can be more than halved, thus bringing an economic benefit to both manufacturers and investors. ...

Generating electricity with rice straw

Rice straw is the waste product of growing rice. Normally, it is simply burned adding sooty pollution to the local air and nudging up atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. What if there were a better alternative to simply burning ...

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