Related topics: ecologist

Pika survival rates dry up with low moisture

Although it has been ranked as the cutest creature in US National Parks, the American pika is tough, at home in loose alpine rocks in windswept mountain regions. Related to rabbits and hares, pikas live in cold, wet climates ...

Eavesdropping plants prepare to be attacked

( —In a world full of hungry predators, prey animals must be constantly vigilant to avoid getting eaten. But plants face a particular challenge when it comes to defending themselves.

Urban density strongly correlates with house sparrow health

House sparrows (Passer domesticus) have adapted to urban environments, which are changing and growing faster than ever before. A range of both biotic and abiotic factors—including habitat fragmentation, changing food availability, ...

Harnessing the ecological roles of animal personalities

Personality differences that account for varying behaviors within species should be taken into account in ecosystem management, according to researchers in the University of Maine Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation ...

Could private investment finance conservation?

Most of the money for protecting and conserving wildlife and habitat comes from government programs, philanthropic organizations, or the public. But conserving Earth's ecosystems and species requires hundreds of billions ...

Owls against owls in a challenge for survival

Scientists are puzzling out how to address the declining numbers of northern spotted owls (NSO) in their Pacific Northwest forest habitat. A new study in the Ecological Society of America's journal Ecological Applications ...

Why charismatic, introduced species are so difficult to manage

Introduced and invasive species can present big problems, particularly when those species are charismatic, finds a recently published paper in the Ecological Society of America's journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Roadside research from the pinelands and coast to coast

"Roads are essentially the primary feature of human civilization at this point," according to Dane Ward, a doctoral student in environmental science at Drexel University who is presenting research at the Ecological Society ...

Research: It's more than just the science

When putting together a team of scientists to work on a problem, it makes sense to bring together the best and brightest in the field, right?

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