Super-Earth exoplanet orbiting nearby star discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a nearby M-dwarf star known as Ross 508. The newly found alien world, which received designation Ross 508 b, turns out to ...

New Jupiter-sized exoplanet discovered with TESS

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers from the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and elsewhere have detected a new Jupiter-sized extrasolar world. The newfound exoplanet, designated TOI-3757 ...

Two exoplanets orbiting a sun-like star discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of two new exoplanets orbiting an evolved sun-like star known as HD 137496. The newly found extrasolar worlds, identified using NASA's Kepler spacecraft, were classified ...

Martian moons have a common ancestor

Mars's two moons, Phobos and Deimos, have puzzled researchers since their discovery in 1877. They are very small: Phobos's diameter of 22 kilometers is 160 times smaller than that of our moon, and Deimos is even smaller, ...

Did Jupiter push Venus into a runaway greenhouse?

Venus has been garnering a lot of attention lately, though primarily in the scientific community, as the last Hollywood movie about the planet was released in the 1960s. This is in part due to its dramatic difference from ...

K2-25: An eccentric hot Neptune with the mass of seven Earths

Of the roughly 4,300 exoplanets confirmed to date, about ten percent of them are classified as "hot Jupiters." These are planets with masses between about 0.4 and 12 Jupiter-masses and orbital periods less than about 110 ...

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