Related topics: obesity

Partnership unveils healthcare robot coach: Autom

PCH International is partnering with Intuitive Automata to create and bring to market what the two are calling a "healthcare robot coach." They have named it Autom (a homophone of autumn). The purpose of the robot is to help ...

Study discovers eating habits of Diplodocus

A team of researchers from the University of Bristol, Natural History Museum of London, the University of Missouri and Ohio University has discovered the eating habits of Diplodocus using a three-dimensional model of the ...

Eat less meat and farm efficiently to tackle climate change

We need to eat less meat and recycle our waste to rebalance the global carbon cycle and reduce our risk of dangerous levels of climate change. New research from the University of Exeter, UK, shows that if today's meat-eating ...

Fasting for Lent forces hyenas to change diet

Many Christians give up certain foods for Lent, however ecologists have discovered these changes in human diet have a dramatic impact on the diet of wild animals. In Ethiopia, members of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church stop ...

Two-headed tortoise goes on show in Ukraine

A two-headed Central Asian tortoise has gone on show at the natural science museum in Kiev where visitors will be able to observe the different eating habits of each head over the next two months.

Rich Asians threaten high-value fish: experts

The growing ranks of wealthy Asians and their increasing appetite for more expensive fish are threatening stocks, potentially causing wider environmental damage, experts at a UN conference said on Tuesday.

Gorillas, unlike humans, gorge protein yet stay slim

( -- A Massey University scientist's study on how wild gorillas in Uganda stay healthy by gorging on protein has highlighted fundamental differences in the way eating habits of various species evolve.

Study reveals cost of nitrogen pollution

Nitrogen pollution costs Europe between 70 and 320 billion euros ($100bn-$460bn) per year in its impact on health and the environment, according to a major European study launched in Britain on Monday.

Urban farming yields small climate gains

Farming in and around cities is sustainable, but the gains in terms of climate are limited. To really make a difference we must change our eating habits. This conclusion was reached by Wageningen University researchers (The ...

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