Tropical fish a threat to Mediterranean Sea ecosystems

The tropical rabbitfish which have devastated algal forests in the eastern Mediterranean Sea pose a major threat to the entire Mediterranean basin if their distribution continues to expand as the climate warms, a new study ...

Study highlights climate food risk hotspots

The poorest societies may be more able to adapt to the threat climate change poses to food supplies than their slightly richer peers, a new study suggests.

Mideast nations wake up to damage from climate change

Temperatures in the Middle East have risen far faster than the world's average in the past three decades. Precipitation has been decreasing, and experts predict droughts will come with greater frequency and severity.

HP, Cosco reach deal on Greek hub

Hewlett Packard on Friday sealed a deal with Chinese shipping giant Cosco to move a key part of its regional supplies through the main Greek port of Piraeus, officials said.

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