Waste-besieged Easter Island slowly learns to recycle

Every Friday, a cargo plane loaded with three tonnes of waste cardboard takes off from wind-swept Easter Island, bound for the Chilean mainland thousands of miles away across the Pacific.

Researchers study marine ecological changes at Easter Island

Easter Island is the most remote inhabited island in the world, roughly 1,900 miles from the Chilean coast. It's also near the southern limit of the range in which corals can thrive. Its extreme isolation has yielded a marine ...

7.1-magnitude quake hits off Fiji

A major earthquake was recorded in the south Pacific early Sunday, about 140 kilometres (88 miles) northeast of Fiji's Ndoi Island, the US Geological Survey said.

Sailing in a sea of microbes

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers led by Matt Sullivan at the University of Arizona are among the first to dive into the world of viruses drifting through the world's oceans.

Early European astronomers determined Easter dates

How do they know it’s Easter? Ever wondered how the exact dates of the Easter break are chosen? Easter Sunday can fall anytime between 22 March and 25 April and, thanks to European observations of the Sun that go back ...

Outsiders blamed for Easter Island's historic demise

(PhysOrg.com) -- An archaeologist studying a remote Pacific island, world famous for its strange stone statues, says outsiders - and not its ancestors - should be blamed for its historic demise hundreds of years ago.

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