Critical observations reveal sinking coasts

It's been said that a rug can really tie a room together. In a similar fashion, Manoochehr Shirzaei and his research team are hoping that weaving together millions of data points into terrain-covering, digital maps can help ...

Smelly seaweed bloom heads to Florida

A large mass of Sargassum "seaweed" circling around the Gulf of Mexico may soon wash up along the U.S. coast near Florida—depending on the right combination of currents and wind. The bloom, which may likely be the largest ...

NASA's planetary radar captures detailed view of oblong asteroid

On Feb. 3, an asteroid more than three times as long as it is wide safely flew past Earth at a distance of about 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers, or a little under five times the distance between the Moon and Earth). ...

ESA chief vows to restore Europe's access to space

The European Space Agency's director general says it's crucial to rebuild Europe's access to space following the botched launch of a European rocket carrying two Earth observation satellites last year and the delayed introduction ...

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