When continents formed

A new way to calculate the age of the Earth's crust has been developed by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of St Andrews.

A speed gun for the Earth's insides

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the University of Bristol reveal today in the journal Nature that they have developed a seismological 'speed gun' for the inside of the Earth. Using this technique they will be able to measure ...

When the Earth mantle finds its core

The Earth's mantle and its core mix at a distance of 2900 km under our feet in a mysterious zone. A team of geophysicists has just verified that the partial fusion of the mantle is possible in this area when the temperature ...

Arctic rocks offer new glimpse of primitive Earth

Scientists have discovered a new window into the Earth's violent past. Geochemical evidence from volcanic rocks collected on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic suggests that beneath it lies a region of the Earth's mantle ...

Scientists' work improves odds of finding diamonds

While prospectors and geologists have been successful in finding diamonds through diligent searching, one University of Houston professor and his team's work could help improve the odds by focusing future searches in particular ...

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