Mineral diversity clue to early Earth chemistry

Mineral evolution is a new way to look at our planet's history. It's the study of the increasing diversity and characteristics of Earth's near-surface minerals, from the dozen that arrived on interstellar dust particles when ...

Meteorites reveal warm water existed on Mars

New research by the University of Leicester and The Open University into evidence of water on Mars, sufficiently warm enough to support life, has been published this week in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Scientists explain scale of Japanese tsunami

Scientists at Cambridge University have developed a model that may show why some tsunamis—including the one that devastated Japan in March 2011ar—e so much larger than expected. The Japanese tsunami baffled the world's ...

Two Solar System puzzles solved

Comets and asteroids preserve the building blocks of our Solar System and should help explain its origin. But there are unsolved puzzles. For example, how did icy comets obtain particles that formed at high temperatures, ...

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