What can early Earth teach us about the search for life?

Earth is the only life-supporting planet we know of, so it's tempting to use it as a standard in the search for life elsewhere. But the modern Earth can't serve as a basis for evaluating exoplanets and their potential to ...

Risky outdoor play can boost science education

Risky play should be incorporated into early childhood science education in nature-based settings to lay early foundations for science education, says Deakin researcher.

How a 'conductor' makes sense of chaos in early mouse embryos

Early embryonic development is tumultuous. It involves a rapid sequence of events, including cell division, differentiation, and lots of compartments moving around within each cell. Like an orchestra performance where each ...

Lyme disease in dogs: What dog owners should know

As Lyme disease cases rise in the U.S., humans are not the only ones at risk. Veterinarians with the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine say dogs are increasingly vulnerable to this tick-borne illness.

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