Seeing is believing

( -- Whenever you look up at the stars you are looking back in time, as light from even our closest neighbour, Alpha Centauri, started its journey to Earth more than four years ago. It is a phenomenon that astrophysicists ...

Subaru telescope discovers a Rosetta Stone cluster of galaxies

An international team of researchers led by Ichi Tanaka from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has discovered an aggregate of galaxies undergoing a burst of star formation that may hold the key to understanding ...

Research Team Discover New Tidal Debris from Colliding Galaxies

Astronomers have discovered new tidal debris stripped away from colliding galaxies. The research will be being presented during a press conference at the 214th annual American Astronomical Society meeting in Pasadena, California ...

Record-setting X-ray jet discovered

A jet of X-rays from a supermassive black hole 12.4 billion light years from Earth has been detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. This is the most distant X-ray jet ever observed and gives astronomers a glimpse into ...

Glimpses of the 'galactic zoo': The five new Euclid images

The first images from Europe's Euclid space telescope released Tuesday range from a well-known nebula to never-before-seen galaxies 10 billion light years away, illustrating its wide-lens view of the universe.

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