Penn astronomer opens new window on the universe's past

A new instrument designed, built and operated by University of Pennsylvania astronomer James Aguirre, with collaborators at the California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Colorado, is ...

Cosmology in the lab using laser-cooled ions

Scientists would love to know which forces created our universe some 14 billion years ago. How could – due to a breaking of symmetry – matter, and thus stars and galaxies, be created from an originally symmetrical universe ...

Scientists reveal Milky Way's magnetic attraction

( -- An international research project involving the University of Adelaide has revealed that the magnetic field in the centre of the Milky Way is at least 10 times stronger than the rest of the Galaxy.

The wild early lives of today's most massive galaxies

( -- Using the APEX telescope, a team of astronomers has found the strongest link so far between the most powerful bursts of star formation in the early Universe, and the most massive galaxies found today. The ...

A chemical signature of first-generation very-massive stars

A team of astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the Konan University and the University of Hyogo in Japan, the University of Notre Dame, and New Mexico State University has used the 8.2 m ...

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