Related topics: earth

Ancient rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust

( —It looks like just another rock, but what Jesse Reimink holds in his hands is a four-billion-year-old chunk of an ancient protocontinent that holds clues about how the Earth's first continents formed.

Coated droplets hint at formation of early cells

( —Researchers at the University of Bristol have designed a chemical system that brings together alternative ideas on how primitive cells were formed on the early Earth to produce a new model of protocell organization. ...

Researchers find sulfur reducers were at work on the early Earth

( —A lot can happen to a rock over the course of two and a half billion years. It can get buried and heated; fluids remove some of its minerals and precipitate others; its chemistry changes. So if you want to use ...

Simulating how the Earth kick-started metabolism

( —Researchers have developed a new approach to simulating the energetic processes that may have led to the emergence of cell metabolism on Earth – a crucial biological function for all living organisms.

Cassini sheds light on Titan's second largest lake, Ligeia Mare

Saturn's second largest moon, Titan, is known for its dense, planet-like atmosphere and large lakes most likely made of methane and ethane. It has been suggested that Titan's atmosphere and surface is a model of early Earth. ...

How did the Late Heavy Bombardment affect Earth's crust?

Astrobiologists supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute have assessed the effects of impacts on the crust of the early Earth. The research could help determine whether or not evidence of such violent events in our planet's ...

A safer recipe for primordial soup

Researchers have published a simpler, safer method for conducting Miller-Urey origin of life experiments—which may still yield new insight about how life began on Earth.

New Study Brings Scientists Closer to the Origin of RNA

( —One of the biggest questions in science is how life arose from the chemical soup that existed on early Earth. One theory is that RNA, a close relative of DNA, was the first genetic molecule to arise around 4 ...

Ancient minerals: Which gave rise to life?

Life originated as a result of natural processes that exploited early Earth's raw materials. Scientific models of life's origins almost always look to minerals for such essential tasks as the synthesis of life's molecular ...

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