Review: HTC Flyer tablet mates with slippery pen

Is it better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all? That's the question posed by a new tablet computer that takes aim at one of the deficiencies of the iPad: that it's difficult to write on it with a stylus ...

E-Book report: Nook is up, iPad still catching up

As the publishing industry wrapped up four days of digital talk at its annual national convention,'s Kindle was seen as the clear, if not dominant, player in the growing e-market; Barnes & Noble's Nook was considered ...

Amazon and Barnes & Noble woo e-book lovers

Online retail titan and bookselling giant Barnes & Noble dueled Tuesday for the devotion of digital book lovers with bargain-priced versions of their popular electronic readers.

Silk protein boosts e-book efficiency: scientists

Taiwanese scientists said they had discovered that a protein created by silkworms in the production of silk can be used to manufacture a component that will make e-books more efficient.

EU probes allegations of price-fixing in e-books

The European Commission on Tuesday searched several European publishing houses suspected of fixing the price of e-books, a spokeswoman for the competition commissioner said.

Apple unveils digital media subscription service

Apple, in a move long awaited by publishers seeking new sources of revenue, unveiled a subscription service on Tuesday for digital newspapers and magazines purchased through its online App Store.

Kindle puts readers and friends on same page

Amazon on Monday released a preview version of a Kindle software update that puts electronic book readers on the same page with friends still clinging to ink and paper works.

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