When nuclei catch up with electrons

In an attosecond study of the H2 molecule, physicists at ETH Zurich found that for light atomic nuclei, as contained in most organic and biological molecules, the correlation between electronic and nuclear motions cannot ...

Taming chaos: Calculating probability in complex systems

Daily weather patterns, brain activity on an EEG (electroencephalogram) and heartbeats on an EKG (electrocardiogram) each generate lines of complex data. To analyze this data, perhaps to predict a storm, seizure or heart ...

Turning to the brain to reboot computing

Computation is stuck in a rut. The integrated circuits that powered the past 50 years of technological revolution are reaching their physical limits.

The science of diffusion and the spread of public policy

Most of us think of diffusion in the context of its scientific definition as the process whereby particles of liquids, gases or solids intermingle and in dissolved substances move from a region of higher to one of lower concentration. ...

Predicting the extent of flash flooding

Devastating floodwaters such as those experienced during Iowa's Flood of 2008—which swamped many Iowa communities, along with ten square miles of Cedar Rapids—are notoriously difficult to predict.

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