Predicting the extent of flash flooding

Devastating floodwaters such as those experienced during Iowa's Flood of 2008—which swamped many Iowa communities, along with ten square miles of Cedar Rapids—are notoriously difficult to predict.

Stability lost as supernovae explode

Exploding supernovae are a phenomenon that is still not fully understood. The trouble is that the state of nuclear matter in stars cannot be reproduced on Earth.

The efficient choice among combustion engines

( —Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed an internal combustion engine that emits less than half the CO2 compared to a regular engine without compromising performance. This corresponds to fuel consumption of ...

Could planting trees in the desert mitigate climate change?

As the world starts feeling the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequent global temperature rise, researchers are looking for a Plan B to mitigate climate change. A group of German scientists has now ...

Averting worse economic collapses

A new study shows how specific parameters can help us steer clear of tipping points in dynamic systems, such as entire economies.

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