Predicting the extent of flash flooding

Devastating floodwaters such as those experienced during Iowa's Flood of 2008—which swamped many Iowa communities, along with ten square miles of Cedar Rapids—are notoriously difficult to predict.

Using thoughts to control airplanes

Pilots of the future could be able to control their aircraft by merely thinking commands. Scientists at the Institute of Flight System Dynamics of the Technische Universität München have now demonstrated the feasibility ...

Stability lost as supernovae explode

Exploding supernovae are a phenomenon that is still not fully understood. The trouble is that the state of nuclear matter in stars cannot be reproduced on Earth.

Russia's Yakov Sinai wins Abel mathematics prize

Russian mathematician Yakov Sinai won the prestigious Abel mathematics prize for his work in dynamical systems and mathematical physics, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters said Wednesday.

When air quality governs traffic management

Poor air quality costs Europe more than €700 million per year, in health expenditures and loss of economic performance, according to official EU sources. To tackle such major issue, the EU-funded MACC-II research project, ...

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