AR glasses help surgeons when operating on tumors

Malignant tumors often form metastases that spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system. High surgical skills are required to identify the precise location of the affected lymph nodes, enabling them to be completely ...

Making fluorescent chips using an inkjet printer

Every mealtime it's the same thing. Your child clutching their stomach and complaining about tummy ache. You as parents are at your wits' end, and nothing you try from your home medicine cabinet is having any effect. Could ...

Naked molecules dancing in liquid become visible

Capturing the movement of molecules is not an easy task. Scientists at the Center for Soft and Living Matter, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) were able to observe the movement of molecules stored inside a graphene ...

New dyes detect disease through heartbeat signals

Vibrant tones of yellow, orange, and red move in waves across the screen. Although the display looks like psychedelic art, it's actually providing highly technical medical information—the electrical activity of a beating ...

Pollen stays on bee bodies right where flowers need it for pollination

After grooming, bees still have pollen on body parts that match the position of flower pollen-sacs and stigmas, according to a study published September 6, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Petra Wester from Heinrich-Heine-University, ...

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