Fluorescence achieved in light-driven molecular motors

Rotary molecular motors were first created in 1999, in the laboratory of Ben Feringa, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Groningen. These motors are driven by light. For many reasons, it would be good to ...

New methods for detecting single molecules

Resistance to antibiotics is on the rise worldwide. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM alongside the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich have developed a process for rapidly ...

Superselective colloid-surface binding visualized

Rather than one key and one strong lock, biology often uses tens or hundreds of weaker links to bind parts together, such as cell membranes. This allows for selectivity and also reversibility—the binding can also be undone. ...

Switched on IR-active organic pigments

In photosynthesis and organic photovoltaics, pigment molecules convert light into electrical charge. A team of chemists have now produced an unusual organic pigment, which is "switched on" by an electrical charge to become ...

Visualizing stress in plastics

A research team led by Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer, Professorship of Polymer Chemistry at Chemnitz University of Technology, and PD Dr. Michael Walter, project leader at the Cluster Of Excellence Living, Adaptive, and Energy-autonomous ...

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