Mapping trees can help count endangered lemurs

The vast majority of lemur species are on the edge of extinction, experts warn. But not every lemur species faces a grim future. There may be as many as 1.3 million white-fronted brown lemurs still in the wild, for example, ...

Dwarf lemur found able to sleep during hibernation

(—A team of researchers affiliated with Duke University and Hamburg University has found that a species of dwarf lemur sometimes actually goes to sleep while it is hibernating. In their paper published in the journal ...

Clues to aging from long-lived lemurs

When Jonas the lemur died in January, just five months short of his thirtieth birthday, he was the oldest of his kind. A primate called a fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Jonas belonged to a long-lived clan. Dwarf lemurs live two ...

Hibernating lemurs hint at the secrets of sleep

By studying hibernation, a Duke University team is providing a window into why humans sleep. Observations of a little-known primate called the fat-tailed dwarf lemur in captivity and the wild has revealed that it goes for ...

Primate hibernation more common than previously thought

( —Until recently, the only primate known to hibernate as a survival strategy was a creature called the western fat-tailed dwarf lemur, a tropical tree-dweller from the African island of Madagascar.

Scientists describe Lavasoa Dwarf Lemur as new primate species

The island of Madagascar harbors a unique biodiversity that evolved due to its long-lasting isolation from other land masses. Numerous plant and animal species are found solely on Madagascar. Lemurs, a subgroup of primates, ...