Where does the sand on Mars come from?

This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) shows one possible place where sand grains are being produced on Mars today. Discovered in images from the Context Camera, this region exhibits dark material that is ...

Parched Jordan starts growing vegetables in desert

Jordan, a water-poor country that is 90-percent desert, on Thursday launched a project to turn its sand dunes into farming land to produce food using sun and sea water.

Image: Thar Desert, India

The Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite brings us over northwest India with this false-colour image captured on 4 March 2017.

Image: Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Copernicus Sentinel-2B satellite takes us over part of the western Netherlands on 16 March, with the capital city of Amsterdam at the centre of the image.

NASA rover takes samples from active linear dune on Mars

As it drives uphill from a band of rippled sand dunes, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is toting a fistful of dark sand for onboard analysis that will complete the rover's investigation of those dunes.

LArIAT upgrade will test DUNE design

In particle physics, the difference of a millimeter or two can make or break the experiment. In March, the LArIAT experiment began a proof-of-concept test to make sure the planned Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) ...

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