Related topics: chickens · bird flu

Robot duck's aim: Helps kids with cancer via power of play

A plush, robotic duck may soon become a fixture in the world of children who have cancer—a social robot that can be silly, happy, angry, scared or sick just like them, and help them cope creatively with their illness through ...

Findings show ancient birds died in flash flood

( -- During a presentation at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's 71st annual Meeting in Las Vegas, researchers Gareth Dyke and Darren Naish from the University of Southampton presented their findings of ...

Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton comes to life

The unearthed bones of Mukawaryu, Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton, have now been prepared and pieced together, giving us a fuller and clearer image of the 72 million-year-old dinosaur.

Social environment matters for duck penis size

Most birds lack genitalia, but male ducks are known for their long, spiraling penises, which have evolved through an ongoing cat-and-mouse game with females. A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances looks at whether ...

Aging a flock of stars in the Wild Duck Cluster

Do star clusters harbor many generations of stars or just one? Scientists have long searched for an answer and, thanks to the University of Arizona's MMT telescope, found one in the Wild Duck Cluster, where stars spin at ...

Japan's largest complete dinosaur skeleton discovered

The complete skeleton of an 8-meter-long dinosaur has been unearthed from marine deposits dating back 72 million years at Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, making it the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Japan, according ...

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