Drought uncovers dinosaur tracks in US park

A drought in Texas dried up a river flowing through Dinosaur Valley State Park, exposing tracks from giant reptiles that lived some 113 million years ago, an official said Tuesday.

Extreme heat uncovers lost villages, ancient ruins and shipwrecks

Extreme heat this year has triggered wildfires, drought and melting glaciers. Less expectedly, it's also revealed some weird and dark things about our past—shipwrecks, corpses, ghost villages, ornamental gardens and ancient ...

Spain, Portugal dryness 'unprecedented' in 1,200 years

Parts of Portugal and Spain are the driest they have been in a thousand years due to an atmospheric high-pressure system driven by climate change, according to research published Monday, warning of severe implications for ...

Urine for sale? South African city wants to buy

Get paid to pee. That's the deal on offer in the South African city of Durban, where the city is looking to buy liquid waste to encourage residents to use dry toilets.

Neanderthal nose: All the better to breathe with

Neanderthals had large, protruding noses to warm and humidify cold, dry air, a study into the distinct design of our extinct European cousin's face suggested Wednesday.

Scientists find simple way to produce graphene

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists at Northern Illinois University say they have discovered a simple method for producing high yields of graphene, a highly touted carbon nanostructure that some believe could replace silicon as the ...

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