How plants survive droughts and extreme rainfall

Tropical ecosystems are constantly navigating between prolonged drought and extreme rainfall, but little research has been done to understand why some plants are able to survive these swings in climate.

Biogeochemical insights from a major Amazonian river

Rivers provide water to billions of people and are critical linkages between continental ecosystems and oceans. Every run and every riffle reshape the surrounding landscape as a river transports nutrients and sediment downstream. ...

Mars once had wet-dry climate conducive to supporting life: Study

NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered the first evidence that Mars once had a climate which alternated between wet and dry seasons similar to Earth, a study said on Wednesday, suggesting the red planet may have once had the ...

How cattle ranchers in Brazil cope with weather shocks

Agricultural producers around the world must adapt to changing weather patterns. Much research has focused on mitigation strategies for crop production, but livestock producers face unique challenges.

Hurricane season remains far from over, due to dry climate

The arrival of Hurricane Fiona and the devastation it has already caused to Puerto Rico is an important reminder that hurricane season is far from over, says Virginia Tech hurricane expert Stephanie Zick. "While it's been ...

In scorched UK, source of River Thames dries up

At the end of a dusty track in southwest England where the River Thames usually first emerges from the ground, there is currently scant sign of any moisture at all.

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