Drunk Bats Manage To Pass Sobriety Tests

(PhysOrg.com) -- New World Leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera Phyllostomidae) are thriving in the tropical forests of Central and South America, even though their diets consist of more fruits and nectars than their counterparts ...

Car-to-car talk: Hey, look out for that collision! (Update 3)

A car might see a deadly crash coming even if its driver doesn't, the U.S. government says, indicating it will require automakers to equip new vehicles with technology that lets cars warn each other if they're plunging toward ...

In future, cars might decide if driver is drunk

(AP) -- An alcohol-detection prototype that uses automatic sensors to instantly gauge a driver's fitness to be on the road has the potential to save thousands of lives, but could be as long as a decade away from everyday ...

Video: This is your brain on alcohol

It's almost time to ring in 2017. And since most New Year's celebrations include alcohol, Reactions' latest episode explains the chemistry behind its effects - drunkenness, frequent bathroom breaks and occasionally poor decision-making.

Laser device can detect alcohol in cars

A new open-access article in the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing is garnering attention for research that could aid in the campaign to prevent drunk driving: a device that can detect alcohol in cars.

RIM execs fired over drunken behavior on flight

The Canadian maker of BlackBerry smartphones announced Monday the firing of two senior executives over reckless drunkenness that forced the diversion of a trans-Pacific flight last week.

US Navy turns to cloud technology to reduce drunken driving

An American sailor has tapped a cloud-based technology for mobile phones to make it easier to have volunteers take turns driving drunk friends home, an initiative that has curtailed drunken driving among the Navy ranks.