Related topics: adolescents ยท drug

Breast cancer-on-a-chip for testing immunotherapy drugs

There are many mechanisms by which the body responds to foreign invaders. One of these involves the T-cells of the immune system, which have a number of different proteins on their surface called 'checkpoint proteins.' These ...

Researchers create powerful unipolar carbon nanotube muscles

For more than 15 years, researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas and their collaborators in the U.S., Australia, South Korea and China have fabricated artificial muscles by twisting and coiling carbon nanotube or ...

Experimental evolution reveals how bacteria gain drug resistance

A research team at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) in Japan has succeeded in experimentally evolving the common bacteria Escherichia coli under pressure from a large number of individual antibiotics. ...

New analysis method can lead to better cancer drugs

While proteins on the surfaces of cells are the targets for most drugs, refined methods are needed to analyze how these membrane proteins are organized. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a new DNA-based ...

Fighting pandemics with plasma

Most types of personal protective equipment, like N95 masks, gowns, and gloves, are designed for single use, which has led to both scarcity and waste during the COVID-19 pandemic. But new research suggests these vital supplies ...

Social media content matters for job candidates, researchers find

Applying for a job? Don't come across as self-absorbed on your Facebook page. Don't express your strong views on potentially controversial topics either. According to researchers at Penn State, job recruiters are less likely ...

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