Study weighs deep-sea mining's impact on microbes

The essential roles that microbes play in deep-sea ecosystems are at risk from the potential environmental impacts of mining, a new paper in Limnology and Oceanography reports. The study reviews what is known about microbes ...

Genetically modified foods,— who has to tell?

Consumers who believe they have a "right to know" whether their food contains genetically modified ingredients are pressing lawmakers, regulators and voters to require labels on altered foods. But even if they succeed, experts ...

War on drugs causes aggressive policing, says expert

The war on drugs has provided police with cover for aggressive tactics and unnecessary encounters with citizens, according to Katharine Neill Harris, the Alfred C. Glassell, III, Fellow in Drug Policy at Rice University's ...

Millennials commit less crime than prior generations

Crime has dropped since 1990, but not for the reasons some might think, according to a new study. Research from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin suggests crime reduction efforts account ...

Drug trafficking corrupts Kyrgyzstan's politics and underworld

Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia, serves a powerful role in the Eurasian drug trade by playing the "mule" that carts heroin and other opiates between Afghanistan and Russia. Many researchers ...

Knife crime and homicide figures reveal the violence of austerity

The latest crime figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) offer a grim outlook on the state of criminal justice in England and Wales. Almost as if to head off criticism, the bulletin starts: "Over recent decades, ...

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