A fantastic voyage brought to life

Ever since the 1966 Hollywood movie, doctors have imagined a real-life Fantastic Voyage -- a medical vehicle shrunk small enough to "submarine" in and fix faulty cells in the body. Thanks to new research by Tel Aviv University ...

Dartmouth researchers create new nano switch

(PhysOrg.com) -- Dartmouth researcher Ivan Aprahamian and his team have developed a new molecular switch that changes its configuration as a function of the pH of the environment. This discovery might someday help lead to ...

PEGylated dendrimers: a novel mechanism of drug delivery

Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS) researchers, in collaboration with the biotechnology company Starpharma Holdings Ltd have developed a new method to deliver medications that may benefit thousands of patients ...

Gold used as safe driver of cancer drug

(PhysOrg.com) -- Gold nanoparticles can be used as delivery vehicles for platinum anticancer drugs, improving targeting and uptake into cells, according to research published in this month's edition of the international journal ...

A surprising way to trap a microparticle

When physicists recently steered a tiny microparticle toward a cylindrical obstacle, they expected one of two outcomes to occur. The particle would either collide into the obstacle or sail around it. The particle, however, ...

New technique maps twin faces of smallest Janus nanoparticles

(PhysOrg.com) -- New drug delivery systems, solar cells, industrial catalysts and video displays are among the potential applications of special particles that possess two chemically distinct sides. These particles are named ...

Surprise discovery could see graphene used to improve health

(Phys.org) —A chance discovery about the 'wonder material' graphene – already exciting scientists because of its potential uses in electronics, energy storage and energy generation – takes it a step closer to being ...

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