How biological capsules respond under stress

Cosmetics and pharmaceutical drug delivery systems could be improved thanks to a new method developed to precisely measure the capability of capsule-like biological membranes to change shape under external stress. This work ...

New technique maps twin faces of smallest Janus nanoparticles

( -- New drug delivery systems, solar cells, industrial catalysts and video displays are among the potential applications of special particles that possess two chemically distinct sides. These particles are named ...

Microwaves to improve drug delivery

A team of Swinburne researchers has shown that low-temperature microwaves can be used to open up pores in bacterial cells, which could lead to significant improvements in the design of drug delivery systems.

Novel nanoparticles communicate to target tumors more efficiently

( -- For decades, researchers have been working to develop nanoparticles that deliver cancer drugs directly to tumors, minimizing the toxic side effects of chemotherapy. However, even with the best of these nanoparticles, ...

'Superbowl' kicks off drug delivery revolution

Scientists from Australian National University have developed a 'Superbowl' drug delivery system that promises more accurate doses of drugs with fewer side effects.

PEGylated dendrimers: a novel mechanism of drug delivery

Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS) researchers, in collaboration with the biotechnology company Starpharma Holdings Ltd have developed a new method to deliver medications that may benefit thousands of patients ...

Dartmouth researchers create new nano switch

( -- Dartmouth researcher Ivan Aprahamian and his team have developed a new molecular switch that changes its configuration as a function of the pH of the environment. This discovery might someday help lead to ...

New nanoparticle could improve cancer detection, drug delivery

( -- University of Florida scientists have developed a new nanoparticle that could improve cancer detection and drug delivery. The particle, called a 'micelle' and made up of a cluster of molecules called aptamers, ...

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