Research demonstrates why going green is good chemistry

Shaken, not stirred, is the essence of new research that's showing promise in creating the chemical reactions necessary for industries such as pharmaceutical companies, but eliminating the resulting waste from traditional ...

Brazil judge blocks WhatsApp for 72 hours

A Brazilian judge issued an order Monday blocking the popular WhatsApp smartphone messaging application nationwide, the second such shut-down in six months.

COVID-19: A wake-up call to rebalance the drug supply chain?

Over 80% of chemicals used to make pharmaceuticals sold in Europe originate from China or India, according to the European Fine Chemicals Group. When COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan and spread across the globe, experts worried ...

The impact of the rise in new drug rejections

The number of new drug applications rejected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been on the rise. The cover story of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, ...

Team helps cancer treatment drugs get past their sticking point

Potentially valuable drugs slowed down by sticky molecules may get another shot at success. Joint research by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Genentech, the University of Delaware and Institut Laue-Langevin ...

Regulating forever chemicals

Climate change policy has finally reached the center of the political agenda as President Biden and other world leaders prepare to discuss how the planet can collectively mitigate this grave threat. There are many other issues ...

The truth about misinformation

In today's fast-paced digital age, information can become outdated rapidly and people must constantly update their memories. But changing our previous understanding of the news we hear or the products we use isn't always ...

New computational method reduces risk of drug formulation

One major factor that determines the efficacy of a drug is the structure that its molecules form in a solid state. Changed structures can entail that pills stop functioning properly and are therefore rendered useless.

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